
Is your website working FOR or AGAINST you?

If you launched your website a few years ago, it’s likely time for an update.

If you launched your website a few years ago, it’s likely time for an update. The internet, web development standards, and best practices are constantly evolving, as is how people access and consume information on your site. Is your website keeping up?

Here are some common problems with outdated websites:

  1. High Bounce Rate A high bounce rate (over 50%) indicates visitors leave your site without exploring further. This can be due to poor design, bot traffic, or a lack of user-friendly interface and experience.
  2. Non-Mobile-First Design With 85% of U.S. adults owning smartphones, a non-mobile-friendly site means losing a significant portion of your audience. Ensure your site is accessible on all devices.
  3. Poor Website Health Frequent "Page Not Found" errors and other issues can harm your site’s performance. Regularly check Google Search Console and other webmaster tools to maintain your site's health.
  4. Low Content Engagement If analytics show high bounce rates and low page exploration, your website isn't meeting user expectations. Modern users demand a satisfying and engaging experience.
  5. Slow Page Load Speed Slow websites drive visitors away. Google also considers page speed in its ranking algorithm. Use tools like GTMetrix or Pingdom to identify and fix speed issues.
  6. Infrequent Updates Websites need regular updates and maintenance. Fresh content and active engagement are crucial for attracting and retaining visitors.
  7. Low Lead Generation A well-designed site fosters trust and encourages visitors to contact you. If leads are low, consider a redesign to meet user expectations and boost conversions.
  8. Ineffective Call to Action (CTA) Poorly placed or ineffective CTAs result in low conversion rates. Good UX design and strategically placed CTAs can significantly improve user engagement.
  9. No Social Media Engagement Integrating social media is crucial for modern businesses. Social sharing options and active engagement can drive traffic and build brand loyalty.
  10. No Company Blog Blogs drive organic traffic and keep visitors engaged. Regularly updated blog content can improve search rankings and site engagement.
  11. Change of Brand or Audience If your business has evolved, your website should reflect those changes. Accurate and current information builds credibility and trust.
  12. Outdated Design Elements Design elements like HTML tables, splash pages, and Flash are obsolete. Modernise your site with responsive, SEO-friendly design using CSS.
  13. Difficulty Updating Content Using a Content Management System (CMS) allows for easy updates and content management without needing coding skills.
  14. Outdated Content Stale content can hurt your SEO and user engagement. Regularly update your site with fresh, relevant content optimised for search engines.